Monday, January 18, 2010

Dreaming of Daffodils...

It seems that over the past few days, I am dreaming of daffodils. As these January days have turned unusually warm, I am beginning to see the tiny tips of hidden daffodils stick out to catch a glimpse of the sun - who can blame them? On these warm days I am finally able to attend to much needed gardening chores. Beds are getting cleaned up, perennials are being cut back and best of all - daffodils are being planted. Yes, I realize it seems too late to plant these beautiful bulbs but I usually have luck even at this late date. The truth is, I watch the garden centers patiently until they are marked at least half price and then I scoop up all I can. I don't know how many daffodils I have in the gardens here but I'm sure it's well into the hundreds. They are simply a wonderful addition to any garden and they provide so much beauty, how can I resist? Sometimes it's hard to remember where I already have them planted so when I pick out a spot I dig carefully as not to injure any previous residents! Today, I was able to plant 2 bags of a variety called "pink charm". Hopefully, I will have pictures in a couple of months or so to share. Until then, I will enjoy last year's pics and keep dreaming of daffodils.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a treat to find your blog this Sunday afternoon. I too can't wait for Spring! I have thought about planting bulbs in my yard for a long time but the squirrels dig everything up. Between the deer and rabbits nibbling on everything up I keep hesitating. Maybe I just need to do it and see what happens, maybe I will get lucky and they will leave them alone :)